Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Textural Fossil Tiles


This little series will probably be framed in a group as they are quite small; only 10x10cm. Quite like working on this scale. For me the textures seem organic and strange in a good way.

"The minute you know what you are doing art ceases to be art and becomes illustration.
You must deepen your game by introducing contradiction, argument, toughen a picture by having a point of tension in it, risk,obliterate, edit, or the painting won't have mystery" Frances Bacon

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Abstract Landscapes

Empyreal Dream 1
Oil, graphite, enamel, gold and silver leaf on board 90x90cm

Empyreal Dream 2
Oil, graphite, enamel, gold and silver leaf on board 90x90cm

Wednesday, 12 June 2013

20x20cm ink, oil pastel, enamel, impasto and copper leaf on paper

20x20cm ink, oil pastel, enamel, impasto and copper leaf on paper

20x20cm ink, oil pastel, enamel, impasto and copper leaf on paper

20x20cm ink, oil pastel, enamel, impasto and copper leaf on paper

25x25cm impasto and enamel on stretched canvas over board 

25x25cm impasto, enamel, embossed metal sheet on stretched canvas over board

The last two images are "the something different" I mentioned earlier.  The idea of an echo of a previous event in time in the form of a fossilized memory.  The embossed sheet metal symbolizes the ripple-effect into the present.

Wednesday, 27 March 2013

Works on paper.

 I don't know what it is about working on paper, but I love it!

Both this image and the one above are part of a series called
Empyreal Echo

 This kaleidoscopic image was achieved by reflecting and joining 
the image to form a repeat.

Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Gallery #1

In my first post I described my current art works, here you can see for yourself:

He Makes His Angels Winds
Oil and gold leaf on board 80x120cm

Oil and gold leaf on board 120x80cm

 Oil, impasto, gold leaf, and shellac on board 80x122cm

Walk in the Light
 Oil, and copper leaf on board 60x 122cm

Darkness is Passing
 Oil, and copper leaf on board 60x 122cm

Oil and copper leaf on board 60x 122cm

No Beginning, No End
 Oil, impasto and copper leaf on canvas 152x60cm

My Studio

Where the action happens, my new studio.

About time too, my friends may be thinkingI have finally got around to creating my art blog.... hurrah! In this blog I intend to track my journey through to my first solo exhibition and beyond.  

I know it’s been a long time coming as I have had my nose down in my new studio for the past year building a body of work.  

So here we go... the work;   Jackson Pollock described his work as, “energy made visible”. I can’t prescribe to you - the viewer - what to think of my work (and I really don’t want to), but I can tell you what was going on in my head throughout the process of making the art.

In my current work I have tried to convey movement as glimpses of light and through abstract forms such as arcs, patterns and pathways.  I'm using colour and texture to describe fragments,  reverberations and fossils, of an unseen heavenly battle where the forces of good and evil are played out.

For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. (Ephesians 6:12)